
Money Talk$

Financial Literacy Program

Our Approach

We are transforming the lives of Black and Brown youth through financial empowerment.

Our Program

We are focusing on a curriculum that builds the practical skills and knowledge needed to master real-world financial adulting.

Our Plan

We are planning for the future by starting with our youth and continuing the ripple of change through adulthood.

A new wave of financial literacy

Our approach addresses the economic insecurity of underserved communities by providing a practical solution that stands apart from other programs.
The Problem

Persistent systemic inequality has disadvantaged Black and Brown Americans' ability to build, maintain, and pass on wealth.

“The fundamental importance of wealth for economic security and general wellbeing makes the large disparities in wealth by race a serious concern for the economic health of families and the U.S. economy as a whole.”

Source: The United States Department of the Treasury

Our Solution

To cultivate the financial agency of our youth.

We believe that in order to grow the long-term wealth and legacies of Black and Brown communities, it is critical to connect young adults to actionable financial literacy education, tools, and resources.

Our Difference

Invest in a culturally-relevant and age-appropriate curriculum for multiple post-high school life tracks.

Developed by an educator, financial expert, and entrepreneur, our engaging curriculum is designed with the Black and Brown teen in mind, but is also inclusive of all students. Our modules acknowledge multiple post-high school life tracks, and guides participants to take actionable steps toward financial empowerment regardless of their life path.

It’s time to break the cycle

Our financial literacy program is rooted in the success of our MoneyTalk$ webinar series
and has evolved with a clear direction.


MoneyTalk$ Webinar Series launched


New Theory of Change created to focus on Financial Literacy

Spring 2023

Financial Literacy Curriculum Developed

Fall 2023

Pilot Program in Partnership with College Bound D.C to launch


Money Talk$ Financial Literacy Program Rollout

Financial literacy for the real world

Our program is designed around a flexible curriculum model that is meant
for immediate and real-world application.
Money Talk$ Financial Literacy Curriculum (Phase I)

A pilot program will be launched soon to help teens develop the financial knowledge and skills needed to navigate their futures.

Through engaging lessons, guest speakers, and actionable steps like opening a savings and checking account, students gain the skills needed to successfully manage their finances while in high school and begin to use these tools to plan their next steps.

Curriculum modules

Module 1: Foundations
  • Learn budget basics
  • Get started with banking
  • Understand credit 
Module 2: Financial Tools
  • Create a personal budget
  • Acquire checking & savings accounts
  • Obtain credit management accounts
Module 3: Financing Your Track
  • Explore the financial requirements of four-year college, gap year, trade school, and workforce options
  • Plan for a post-high school track
Module 4: Financial Goals
  • Establish financial goals
  • Create a living budge

The delivery

Our program is delivered in partnership with organizations committed to our underserved communities.
Our curriculum is designed to be implemented across flexible learning modalities: in-person, hybrid, and online.

Planning for the future

Our plan includes a three-phase program outlining the financial literacy
needed to excel at every stage of adulthood.
We are here to change the tide.

To cultivate the financial agency of our youth.

Our mission is to create a new generation of savvy Black and Brown financial planners who will take control of their finances, invest in their future, build legacies, own homes, and give back to their communities.

High School Students

Our current phase focuses on teens, ages 16-18 years old. The curriculum will cover foundational financial literacy topics.

Early Adults

This phase will focus on young adults, ages 18-24 years old. The curriculum will cover money management in practice.


This phase will focus on adults, ages 20-30 years old. The curriculum will cover wealth accumulation strategies.