NWF Community Spotlight: 5 Minute Q & A with Shira
We’re excited to introduce you to Shira Smith, one of our NWF volunteers! Recently, we sat down with Shira to hear her story, learn why she is passionate about education, (chocolate covered popcorn!) and making a difference.
NWF: Shira, we love starting our interviews by asking a fun question…What’s something others might not know about you?
Shira: “I’m a popcorn addict and am always trying out new flavors and styles. My most recent creation was honey white chocolate. It was tasty, but I need to tweak the ratios. I’ve even been paid to make popcorn for Christmas and birthday gifts.”
NWF: Honey white chocolate? That sounds amazing! We’d love to try some next time! Now, down to business. It’s tough finding time in our busy schedules to step outside our routine. Why is service and finding time to serve important to you?
Shira: “Service is important to me because it’s rewarding to know that I can make a difference in someone’s life. I was lucky to have many generous and kind people lend a hand in the early part of my career, so helping the next generation is a great way to pay it forward.”
NWF: That’s incredible. It seems like just yesterday we saw you at NWF’s Code-A-Thon at Howard Community College. That was your first volunteer experience with us! How was it? (Be honest!)
Shira: I have never worked for a company (NewWave Tech) before that is so passionate (and active!) when it comes to giving back. It’s nice to be a part of the change. The Code-A-Thon was refreshing. It was wonderful to see so many young people working together to solve real-world problems. I don’t think they realize at the time, but these group projects that professors force upon you as a student are probably the most accurate example of what you’ll experience in your actual career. Team work is everything, and it was nice to see so many of them excelling in that regard.
NWF: Thank you for sharing with us, Shira! One last question: If you could serve anywhere, what would your Dream Service Project be?
Shira: In my own home, I try very hard not to waste food and tend to only buy what I know I will consume. I’d love to get more involved in the organizations in our area that are tackling the policy issues that surround food waste, as well as the organizations that aim to feed the hungry. We have to solve the problem from both ends.
Interested in sharing your story with us? We’d love to connect! Visit our volunteer page or email us atinfo@newwave-foundation.org and a team member will be in touch!
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