
Support that sustains the journey

We have dedicated scholarship programs through the partner organizations listed below that provide the resources needed to achieve your dreams.
CollegeBound Foundation, MD
We support Baltimore-based CollegeBound Foundation and their scholarship opportunities that help students of Baltimore City Schools pursue their college or other post-secondary dreams. CollegeBound Foundation’s full-scale support focuses on access, retention, and graduation, and reflects our belief in the importance of providing sustainable support.
College Bound, DC
We support the Washington D.C. organization, College Bound, and their vision to prepare and support students of public schools to successfully attend and graduate from college. College Bound’s mentoring program provides sustained guidance and mirrors our belief in the importance of providing on-going support to scholars for the entirety of their college journey.
Howard Community College

We support Howard Community College’s (HCC) Educational Foundation’s efforts to bridge the financial gap so that students’ life goals can be realized through affordable education. HCC’s mission to provide multiple pathways to success through academic and apprenticeship programs aligns with our belief in the importance of supporting diverse post-high school tracks.